TOUGHGUARD® Test Results.

Validation: “the act of validating; finding or testing the truth or something” –

It’s one thing to talk about performance and another to back it up with independent laboratory testing and real-world results. The performance and durability of ToughGuard® is validated by both. Testing is welcomed as every time our product tested it exceeds expectations and leaves favorable impressions on those conducting the test.

View Test Result Sheets:

Nano Characterization Test

Surface Roughness ONAMI Test Results

Aftermarket Automotive Paint Sealant Test Results

Other Formulation


Certifications prove that our products have conformed to industry standards and specifications for use as a surface treatment.


ToughGuardAero® has a high temperature thermal threshold of +450 F and a low temperature thermal threshold of -80 Fahrenheit. Traditional waxes and polishes deteriorate from heat exposure, absorb buildup and pollutants, and wash away with detergents. ToughGuard-Aero does not!


ToughGuardAero® has a high temperature thermal threshold of +450 F and a low temperature thermal threshold of -80 Fahrenheit. Traditional waxes and polishes deteriorate from heat exposure, absorb buildup and pollutants, and wash away with detergents. ToughGuard-Aero does not!


Improving Your Bottom Line Lower drag = Fuel saved But there are other money-saving benefits that ToughGuard-Aero® delivers